Saturday 16 June 2018

Something Ineffable

         I try to be normal every day,
    but something always keeps me
           away from doing so.
         I try to control my tears,
     but something always makes
            my eyes wet.
  I tried to put full stop on my
       something always comes and      convinces
          me to feel again.
     I tried to be proud but
   something pulls me down each
 Some say it is my fortune…………
           but is it so?
     Good dreams become
          precious stone.
  Nights are now like
         bright sunny days.
My eyes force me to sleep,
        but the mind urges
       me to wake up………
Why is it so hard to believe when anyone comforts me
      by saying that this bad phase
      too will pass and on the other side, I’d stand strong.
    I always try to touch a bright glimpse of light, but as soon as I go
       close, it disappears,
       every single time.
  Each night brings with it so many
         unanswered questions……..
   which make me wonder my
    purpose of living and
      question my existence
Years have passed, but still
I hope that one day I will find that
keeping peace away from my life….
        causing me distress…….
     shutting those windows of opportunity and bouncing those  
      rays of light away from me and
   filling it with darkness
        I am unable to dispel.

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