Saturday 16 June 2018

Solitude:Defeating Innerself

Have you ever noticed a tiger?

You must be wondering why i am talking of it, but just notice it in its state of solitude, in its adulthood. It roars.We think it is wild, but heed to the pain in its roar. It seems it is telling to this cruel world the suffocation of being aloof.

This is the tale of an animal - Human being.

Solitude brings aggression; aggression bursts out into tears; and these tears frail us. Standing in the middle of the road in a dark night where there is no trace of light, we only wish for the moonlight which is hidden behind those shady clouds.

But sometimes we feel left out in the crowd and even then we standstill as our eyes wait for that one person who holds our hands for eternity, who brings moonlight and decorates our world with festoon,fills our eyes with the tears of joy and washes away all the pains of yesterday.

We all need someone, someone who lights a candle of hope, hope of a trust, trust which will never be broken. Once in our life we all have this feeling of being isolated but head up, instead of losing hope wait for that someone in life who will pull you out of this darkness.

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