Saturday 16 June 2018

Something Ineffable

         I try to be normal every day,
    but something always keeps me
           away from doing so.
         I try to control my tears,
     but something always makes
            my eyes wet.
  I tried to put full stop on my
       something always comes and      convinces
          me to feel again.
     I tried to be proud but
   something pulls me down each
 Some say it is my fortune…………
           but is it so?
     Good dreams become
          precious stone.
  Nights are now like
         bright sunny days.
My eyes force me to sleep,
        but the mind urges
       me to wake up………
Why is it so hard to believe when anyone comforts me
      by saying that this bad phase
      too will pass and on the other side, I’d stand strong.
    I always try to touch a bright glimpse of light, but as soon as I go
       close, it disappears,
       every single time.
  Each night brings with it so many
         unanswered questions……..
   which make me wonder my
    purpose of living and
      question my existence
Years have passed, but still
I hope that one day I will find that
keeping peace away from my life….
        causing me distress…….
     shutting those windows of opportunity and bouncing those  
      rays of light away from me and
   filling it with darkness
        I am unable to dispel.

Obscure Emotions of a Mother

Seeking for the definition of Pain?

Pain is what she withstood at time of giving you birth. She is that selfless person you all have in your lives, the one who never complaints or asks for favors. She is like an object in between two plain mirrors, from above she looks prosaic but if you are able to steal a glance of her soul, you will get to know about the infinite number of dreams she has enclosed in her heart. Why does she so?

The reason is one word: YOU.

Suppressing her aspirations, she always directs your life towards success and enlightens it with brightness. Just halt for a second and ponder, she refines your life and supports you in every aspect without even noticing her own wounds. Protecting you from the shady world and trying her best to help you overcome the difficulties of this harsh world- that's her job. In her obsession of molding your life towards betterment she gives up her own comfort. Why does she do so?

Because she is your mother.

Glitters in her eyes are the expectations in return, her tears are a tale of her sufferings and the cost of your achievements too. Heed those dark circles which reveal all those nights when she gave up her sleep because your nightmares were making you cry . The wrinkles on the face are not the marks of her ageing but of the stress and the tension you give to her but still there is a glimpse of brightness that illuminates her face because of the victories you achieved in your life.

A smile on her always showcases all those moments she was proud of you. She is the one who is happy in your happiness and sad in your sadness. She demands nothing but still you fail to notice that her arms await your love and embrace. You know why?

Because she is your mother.

So, respect the sacrifice of that lady who dedicated her life to you, pulled you out of darkness. Do it before it’s too late as time waits for no one.

Prone to Thoughts: Emptiness

Sometimes we exhume thoughts out of emptiness. There exist that inflicting night when we pretend we are happy but actually we are crying with a smile on our face. And that is the time when emptiness is all around.

We abode in the bright room of emptiness where there is a window of hope, from where the shine of twinkling stars is visible. But darkness covers that hazy bright light.

Why does it happen?

Because failure prevails over success in our mind due to which emptiness occurs. We start thinking of the end without making efforts to win. Sitting in the corner of that room we wish for a miracle; but just remember one thing, god will help those who help themselves.

There may be interruptions in our way, in spite of jittering we must learn to face them. Don't let that darkness engulf our happiness because stars glisten only in the glorious darkness. So search for that key which will open up the path to the zenith.

Solitude:Defeating Innerself

Have you ever noticed a tiger?

You must be wondering why i am talking of it, but just notice it in its state of solitude, in its adulthood. It roars.We think it is wild, but heed to the pain in its roar. It seems it is telling to this cruel world the suffocation of being aloof.

This is the tale of an animal - Human being.

Solitude brings aggression; aggression bursts out into tears; and these tears frail us. Standing in the middle of the road in a dark night where there is no trace of light, we only wish for the moonlight which is hidden behind those shady clouds.

But sometimes we feel left out in the crowd and even then we standstill as our eyes wait for that one person who holds our hands for eternity, who brings moonlight and decorates our world with festoon,fills our eyes with the tears of joy and washes away all the pains of yesterday.

We all need someone, someone who lights a candle of hope, hope of a trust, trust which will never be broken. Once in our life we all have this feeling of being isolated but head up, instead of losing hope wait for that someone in life who will pull you out of this darkness.