Thursday 21 November 2019

Right to Education in India

India has developed tremendously over the past decade. But the actual growth cannot really be measured through the number of flyovers or shopping malls that have been built. How literate and educated the populace of a country is a sound indicator of the progress it (the country) has made. Education is a significant part of our lives. A society can only grow if people are educated and aware. Therefore, an education system, which is sturdy and robust, goes a long way in ensuring the spread of education in a society.

According to the 7th All India Education Survey, 2002, less than half of India’s children between the age 6 and 14 go to school and a little over one-third of all children who enrol in the 1st grade reach the 8th grade. In spite of various efforts being made to change the education scenario in India, at least 35 million children aged 6 – 14 years still do not attend school and 53% of girls in the age group of 5 to 9 years are illiterate.

86th Amendment Act, Article 21(A) made Right to Primary Education part of the Right to Freedom. Education was not a fundamental right in India until it was made a fundamental right in the 86th amendment to the Constitution.

The right to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 is an endeavour to directly benefit all the children in the 6-14 years age group who are not enrolled in schools. There are millions of children who are still deprived of their rights. It is important for children and their families from economically backward and marginalised areas to become aware of the Right to Education (RTE).
Enshrined in Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 14 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Right to Education has been recognised as a basic human right.

In one of his speeches, Manmohan Singh, the then Prime Minister of India stated that "We are committed to ensuring that all children, irrespective of gender and social category, have access to education. An education that enables them to acquire the skills, knowledge, values and attitudes necessary to become responsible and active citizens of India."

Even after so many years of attaining independence, people continue to be slaves of their own primitive mindsets and somehow feudal social structure. Children need to become aware of their fundamental rights. As it is rightly said, the future of a nation is its youth. The youth can be empowered only if it’s educated. Right to Education (RTE) is certainly the way forward.

The government is doing its bit but as responsible citizens of this country, it is also our duty to ensure that every individual in the country can access his/her rights. Various non-profit organisations are also working to ensure that people have access to quality education. Ghar_Aangan Orphanage is one such organisation that is running programmes to support the education of the most disadvantaged children of India in different ways like we map out-of-school children and ensure their enrolment into formal schools in age-appropriate classes, in classrooms, we encourage and help children to undertake learning activities in groups and in metro cities, we operate our own learning centres where children coming from the socially-excluded communities are provided learning and/or after-school support.
By donating to charities like Ghar_Aangan Orphanage, you can make a long-term impact.

Saturday 16 November 2019


Dedicated to Girls

1. Not every girl wants to get married by 23. So before you ASSUME she's of marriageable age, ask her what her views on marriage are. One hint, might save you the drama- just because she does not want to get married now does not mean she never will. She has other plans for herself right now, let her live a little.
2. Just because a girl wishes to do her PhD after Masters does not mean she doesn't want to settle down in life. Give her a break, and respect the fact that she has the confidence to take that up, cos yeah, PhD is no joke. There will come a point when she would happily devote herself to her family, and balance it out with her work life. Her degrees, or lack of them, won't make any difference. Let her study while she wants to, okay?
3. Just because she is 27 and unmarried does not mean she's been rejected by many men. Maybe, being single is a choice she has made.
4.Having a boyfriend does not make her characterless.
5. Just because she has recently gone through a break up doesn't mean she is vulnerable and available.
6. Just because most of her friends are boys, does not mean she is "having a good time" with all of them.
7. Just because she has a drink in her hand does not mean she is an alcoholic.
8. Just because she wore a short skirt to one party does not mean she dresses up that way every day.
9. Just because she is ambitious doesn't mean she isn't a family person.
10. Just because she doesn't discuss her plans doesn't mean she's clueless about life. Give her a chance, alright?
11. Just because she is outspoken doesn't mean she is a rebel.
12. Just because she comes home late from work does not mean she is sleeping around with her colleagues.
13. After a hectic week, give her some time to relax over the weekend. Don't make that one weekend party make her look like a she's a frivolous party-girl without a job.
14. Just because she is out shopping alone does not mean she is depressed or lonely. It's how she relaxes, respect that.
15. Just because she is on a holiday alone does not mean she doesn't have company. Maybe it's a break to get back her lost confidence, or maybe that's how she is. Admire her spirit instead of giving her advice, okay?
16. Just because she is a woman doesn't mean she can't kick ass in military school.
17. Just because she has a tattoo doesn't mean she is attention seeking. Maybe that's her way of expression.
18. Just because she doesn't know how to cook doesn't mean she won't make a good wife. Remember when you were just married and cooked chicken curry which was um, a disaster?
19. Just because she likes everything pink and shiny and fluffy doesn't mean she lives in her own world. She can handle some situations much better than her male counterparts.
20. Just because she is pretty does not mean she is a whore. And just because she is friendly does not mean she is flirting with you.
Yes, they cry,  get emotional; they take things personally, and sometimes over-react to situations. But this does not give any one the right to judge them in the wrong way. Times are changing; don't confine her within those boundaries, no matter how orthodox you are. There are some who might be fighting this losing battle, yet compromising on their decisions and plans, just to please society. Respect & let them fly✈... :))

Sunday 12 May 2019

Internet Safer Day: How Parents can Ensure a Safer Internet Experience for their Children

It’s a digital era. Things have become simpler with the internet. Nowadays, our daily activities are planned using the internet. The Internet provides us with data, information, and knowledge. It depends on us how we choose to use this information that we gather from the internet. Some choose to use it in a productive way and some don’t.

The Internet can be used to send emails, research, download files, follow and become part of various discussion groups, play interactive games, education, friendship and dating, electronic newspapers and magazines, job-hunting, and shopping.

The Internet is a handy tool not only for adults but also for children. Children have come to know that the internet is this magical identity that is capable of replying to ambiguous questions/doubts. It also provides templates of pretty much everything.

It is up to us- the adults, to teach our children how to use the internet safely. Today, children are very techno-savvy and are well acquainted with using computers, laptops, tablets, etc. But children often are not aware of their online safety, viruses, phishing, social networking etiquettes, and many other internet security issues.

The risk of overuse causing speech delays in toddlers, poor quality of sleep, and incidence of depression for teenagers (especially those who use social media consistently) are some of the major concerns parents have regarding children’s internet usage.

Things parents can do to provide their children with a safer internet experience:

1. Discovering the internet together is a good option. Introduce your child to the internet. Develop a positive attitude towards exploring the internet in your child. You can do this by finding fun and exciting websites to learn. Exploring the internet together will make it easy for your child to share both positive and negative experiences with you.

2. It is important for parents and teachers to discuss internet safety with children at an early age because children at this age still use computers under the supervision of their parents or teachers rather than independently. They need to be told that the internet has both safe and unsafe things. As the children start to grow they start using the internet independently. It is then that they need to know what is safe and what is not.

3. The easiest tip you can give to any child for using the internet safely is that if they won’t do something face-to-face, they should definitely not do it online as well. For instance, in real life, you will never walk up to a stranger and start a conversation or be abusive to a friend or stranger. So we should not do it online as well.

4. Tell your children that once they’ve written/put up something on the internet, they can’t delete it. The Internet is wonderful place provided we be careful about what we say and do over there. If you want respect, you have to give it in return. Tell your children that it is not okay to express hate, racism, sexism, and/or violence online as it can hurt someone’s sentiments and can have back-firing consequences.

5. A simple rule for children while using the internet is to be careful when disclosing personal information. Phone number, credit/debit card details, bank account details, etc. should not be shared with anyone on the internet. Children using social networking sites like Facebook should be told to not mention a lot about themselves. Personal information and photos they post online can be accessed by anyone at any point in time. Regardless of privacy settings, once anything is online you can usually no longer control who sees it or how it is used.

6.Teenagers and young adults should also know that many employers and university admissions offices check the candidates’ social media profiles before selecting them. It is important to filter and check what children put on their social media handles like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

7. Discuss with your children and make internet rules for them. For instance, decide how long it is acceptable for your child to use the internet. Tell your child about what type of sites should not be visited. Set an ideal for how to behave with others while gaming, chatting, emailing, or messaging on the internet. You should also follow the same rules and set a benchmark for your child. In case if you are doing something that you have told your child not to do, then explain to your child why the rules are different for adults and children.

8. It is always risky to meet friends online. To avoid any unpleasant experiences, children should not meet any strangers online. If they really wish to meet someone they met on social networking sites like Facebook, then they should not do it without being accompanied by an adult. This is important because if they feel uncomfortable during the meeting they can bail out in the presence of an adult around them.

9. Parents should be more vigilant and should monitor their children’s online activities as much as they can without intruding into their privacy. Parents should also teach their children good Passcode Management and tell their children to use two-factor authentication wherever they can. As a responsible parent, you must set up a google alert about your child and beware about significant cyber-bully signs.

Parents should educate their children early and often. The Safer Internet Day is just around the corner. Are you unsure what to do about it? Well, to start with, you can show the world that you stand up for a better internet. For this, you can add a Twibbon to your social media profile pictures.

As we celebrate the Safer Internet Day, millions of people have united for one common mission i.e. to make the internet, a place where people use technology responsibly, respectfully, critically, and creatively.

Mother's Day special poem on You...

A poem from Son to mom expressing her love and thankfulness.

You are the sunlight in my day.
You are the moon I see far away.
You are the tree I lean upon.
You are the one that makes troubles be gone.
You are the one who taught me about life,
How not to fight and what is right.
You are the words inside my song.
You are my love, my life, my mom.
You are the one who cares for me.
You are the eyes that help me see.
You are the one who knows me best,
When it's time to have fun and time to rest.
You are the one who has helped me to dream.
You hear my heart and you hear my screams.
Afraid of life but looking for love.
I'm blessed, for God sent you from above.
You are my friend, my heart, and my soul.
You are the greatest friend I know.
You are the words inside my song.
You are my love, my life, my mom.

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Five Ways You Can Save Tax this Year

Paying income tax at the end of the financial year is often a stressful and challenging task for most people. Everybody is also always trying to look for ways in which they could save tax. If it makes you feel any better, there are various ways in which you get tax exemption. 5 ways you can save tax this year are as follows:

1. Buying insurance policies is one of the best ways to save taxes. Insurance policies like ‘Life Insurance Policies' provide life coverage and help in saving tax under section 80C of Income Tax Act. ‘Unit Linked Insurance Plan’ offer the benefit of both investment and protection to its investors. These are market linked insurance plans and help your money to grow. Medical expenses can be taken care of by ‘Health Insurance Policies’. These also help in saving tax upto an extent.

2. You can reap benefits of whatever you invest later through investments. You can get the tax benefit by investing in ‘Mutual Funds’ like Equity Linked Saving Schemes (ELSS). ‘Tax Saving Fixed Deposits’ help in saving tax and you can gain an attractive interest on your deposits. With no limits on how much you can put in, ‘Post Office Time Deposit’ and with a minimum investment of Rs.100, ‘National Saving Certificates’ are also good options for investments and are also eligible for tax exemption. In addition to all the above mentioned investments, ‘Provident Funds’ also known as the ‘Pension Fund’ are generated to give us long-term returns.

3. You can also save tax through loans. You can save tax by taking home loans for constructing or buying a house. Home loans taken for reconstruction and renovation are also eligible for tax deduction.

4. You can also save tax through Education Loan under Section 80E of the Income Tax Act.

5. Last but now the least, the best way to save tax is to donate to a charity. Even though all donations do not guarantee a 100% tax rebate. Your taxable income becomes the total amount minus the donated amount. Most philanthropic organisations can legit offer a 100% tax exemption in Form 16s.

Everybody looks forward to saving tax. Donating to charities is not only morally satisfying but charitable organisations also offer tax rebates and exemption under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961. The most important thing is to identify a charitable organisation that is working on the causes you believe in. Once you have identified an organisation, you can become a donor and become part of making a difference.

Donating to charities like Ghar_Aangan Orphanage will let you support India’s most vulnerable and marginalised children from the remotest corners. Donate now and at the same time save tax. You can also donate online.

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Here's How You Can Build Up on Your Savings by Donating :)

You can now build up on your savings by donating. Surprised? It’s true. Donating to charities not only help organisation support people and children in need but it also helps in giving back to the society. Doing something for your community has always held great significance across all cultures. All eminent personalities like authors, actors, politicians, celebrities, and religious leaders have talked about the importance of charity.

Doing charity helps people to set a purpose in life and align themselves with a larger cause that is more important than themselves. Not only do donations make people happy but it can also help people save. By donating to a charity you can receive tax rebates and exemptions under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961. You are not the only person who wants to know ways to get income tax exemption.

Everyone wishes to build savings for themselves and their families. It is ensured by all the charity organisations that their donors are rewarded in the form of a tax rebate. The wealth gap between the rich and the poor is humungous in India. The rich continue to get richer and the poor remain poor.

Despite various efforts being made by the Government of India to eradicate poverty, millions of people are still living below the poverty line. They don’t have the basic necessities that are required to survive like food, water, and shelter.

The root cause of poverty is illiteracy and lack of awareness among people. Lack of education leads to a lack of skills and knowledge that are required for getting employment. No source of income generation, in turn, leads to poor standards of living resulting in poverty. Poverty impacts everybody but children are the worst affected.

A small contribution by you in the form of a donation can make a big difference. Big non-profit organisations like Ghar_aangan Orphanage are one of India’s leading independent child rights organisation.

We have our programmes running pan-India with the aim of relentlessly working to provide proper education, healthcare, nutrition, and life-saving relief and rehabilitation during disasters. We collaborate with the local government, academic and research institutions, and other organisations with an objective to address the most pressing needs of susceptible children in our country.

Donating to charities like Ghar_aangan Orphanage  can help break this vicious circle and bring an end to poverty. Donate now and directly contribute towards helping the most marginalised and excluded children from the remotest areas in India. You can also donate online. People find it very challenging to pay the income tax at the end of the financial report. By donating, you will not only help in giving children in need a happy, healthy, and safe life, but you will also save tax.

How Donations Can Help you Save the World And the Tax!

As responsible citizens, we should give back to our society. This is something we have heard since our childhood. Societies all across the world speak a great deal on the importance of giving back to society. Be it eminent authors, thinkers, leaders, politicians, celebrities, or religious leaders, they all talk about how important it is to do charity.

There are many reasons why one should donate to charities. It certainly gives a sense of purpose in life. By donating to charities, people align themselves with a larger cause that is more significant than themselves. Donations help people in need. By donating people often develop an overall sense of happiness.

sometimes, even small donations can make a big difference. Big non-profit organisations like Save the Children are running cost-effective programmes. We are relentlessly working towards channelising every single rupee towards helping the children and their communities that have been excluded and marginalised.

There exists a vast gap between the wealthy and the poor in India. This inequality in terms of income is rapidly increasing. In such a scenario, donating to charities can enable people to feel a sense of responsibility, hope, fulfilment, and purpose.

Children often pick up habits from their parents. Giving back to society is also a habit that children can inculcate in themselves by looking at their parents. While children are too small to donate, they can be taught the importance of donation and caring about their fellow beings. It is also our moral duty as responsible citizens to inspire our friends and family for donating to charities.

Once you decide to embark upon the journey of giving back to the society in the form of charity, you must keep yourself updated about the most significant non-profit organisations that are working on the causes you wish to support. You will get an impetus to do more for your society and donate more to charities like Save the Children when you get to know that your generous contributions are being used meaningfully.

Save the Children is one of India’s leading independent child rights organisation. It has programmes running pan-India in the most marginalised communities from the remotest corners. They are relentlessly working to provide proper education, healthcare, nutrition, and life-saving relief and rehabilitation during disasters. It has been collaborating with the local government, academic and research institutions, and other organisations to address the most pressing needs of vulnerable children in India today.

Donating to charities like Ghar_Aangan Orphanage will not only help in giving children in need a happy, healthy, and safe life, but it will also help you in saving tax. Donations to most charities guarantee a 100% tax exemption. Donate nowand make a difference. You can also donate online.

Using the internet Do's and Dont's for the children

With the markets being flooded by smartphones and the availability of cheap internet the use of smart devices has increased fourfold.
While the parents are getting at ease with children using new age devices, there is an upsurge in the use of social media - the app that tops this list is Facebook. This is evident from the fact that India has the largest number of Facebook users in the world (October 2018 data).
Research finds that despite having an age-restriction, 38% of Facebook users are children under the minimum age of 13. From teens to pre-teens to even 8-10-year-olds, children are rapidly getting active on Facebook.
While technology opens up a world of possibilities at your fingertips, here are a few handy guidelines to make sure you keep yourself at bay from the vices of the medium:

• Ask Questions – Seek permission from an adult, before signing up on Facebook, do not hesitate to clear your doubts regarding anything – right from updating a profile picture, adding friends to basics of privacy settings.

• Let Your Parents Know – Once you have signed up on Facebook, your parents should be made aware of the information that is being disclosed. For example the school you go to, sharing your coordinates, etc.

• Keep A Hold On Passwords –Your password is the key to a safer online experience. Keep updating them on regular basis and add different layers of privacy checks to ensure you are not easy prey to the Digisharks. Also, there is a reason why it is called ‘private information’it’s becauseit should not be shared with friends or acquaintances.

• Raise Alarm – If anything on Facebook makes you uncomfortable or you think is not appropriate, immediately inform your parents or some elder you trust.

• Learn to say ‘No’ – If you think that any upload or a check in by some other friend includes you and is inappropriate or is drawing negative attention, then speak up.  Cyberbullying and not having access to age-inappropriate content is a major issue that is being faced by many children. Parental watchfulness is required when it comes to content vigilance.

• Report, Delete, Block – If someone has been harassing you online, do not suffer in isolation.There are rights to protect you from any untoward circumstances. Take screenshots or report the person to the Facebook team and inform the parents – The Cyber Crime Cell has very efficient mechanisms to address specific issues and reach out directly to the culprit. Learn about the block and report feature on Facebook.It can be used whenever some content (picture or a status update) is drawing negative or unwanted attention.

Restricting, filtering out content, and not completely refraining from the internet is the way for prudent internet consumption.